rants, raves, curiosities, audio/video evidence, and other dispatches from a young canadian lefty packing a 'tude and a pink pistol.
Monday, July 16, 2007
fashion faux pas du jour
i noticed these while shopping for skivvies the other day and thought they were worth a photo... personally, i majored in college boys with a minor in man-hunting, and graduated w/ my MRS.
there are already plenty of obnoxious grad students (current and, more often, former) who insist on filling the world with their ravings, theories, and hallucinations because it's not enough to bore people at dinner parties, they have to do it to the blogosphere too. i am one of them.
this is a cozy little place for us (me and you... and you) to chat politics, the media, sex, books, eats, and to pass casual observations on everyday absurdities. be warned: i am a feminist, an agitator, and a friend of the dictionary. so if we fight, i will win.
roomie, roomie, roomie... "MRS" as opposed to a "BA" or "Bsc."... as in "Mrs. somebody's wifey"... the reason every girl goes to college, doncha know?
Well, I know that's why you went to college...
lol yah no one gets the MRS joke anymore.. but i always use it!!!
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